Adult Ministries
A Parish Council is, by definition, the body of practicing Orthodox Christians elected by the members of our parish to work together with the Priest in fulfilling the needs of our Saint Barbara Greek Orthodox Church. They serve as stewards of the Parish, seeking to the best of human capabilities to fulfill the missions entrusted to them by the Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ. The St. Barbara Parish Council consists of twelve elected members who oversee the business matters of the Church. They are elected by the participating Parish membership and must be in good standing and ecclesiastically in order. The Council meets once a month or as needed.
Our St. Barbara Parish is indeed blessed by the presence of a dynamic, and dedicated women’s organization- our Philoptochos. The National Philoptochos Society is the duly accredited ladies philanthropic organization of our Greek Orthodox Archdiocese. Striving to live up to its name, “friend of the poor”, from the Greek words “philos” and “ptochos” – the organization generously supports the many ministries of our Archdiocese and Diocese. On the local level, our St. Barbara Philoptochos Society is the right hand of the Church and has a long list of accomplishments. In 1992, the Philoptochos donated to the Church the Tonelli designed Baptismal Font and at a later date the beautiful mosaic icon of the Baptism of Christ. All women 18 and over are invited to attend and participate in Philoptochos. Meetings are held once a month and new members are always welcome!
The purpose of KALI PAREA is to provide fellowship and a program of social activities for the benefit of its members. Every Monday Kali Parea has a fellowship breakfast.
(Re)Discover Orthodox Christianity with Dave and Dino
The meetings are on Sundays at 8:30 am. Everyone is welcome to join in especially those who are interested in learning more about the faith either seekers or lifetime Orthodox.
Our wonderful Choir provides the liturgical music and helps to lift our hearts to God in all our worship services throughout the year. Anyone interested in joining the Senior Choir should contact the Church Office. Althaia Vitikos, our choir director always welcomes new members.