

The Mission of the Outreach & Evangelism Ministry is to renew and share the Orthodox Christian Faith in America by nurturing a deeper commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ within His Church, by reaching out to inactive Orthodox Christians and to the unchurched, by meeting the needs of those inquiring about the Orthodox faith, and offering each community the tools for parish renewal and for the establishment of new parishes. As Archbishop Demetrios has said, “It is the Parish, it is the local community which has been, is, and will forever be the central, indispensable agent for offering our Orthodox faith to contemporary America.”


As the presence of the Universal Church, the parish is called to witness to those within and those outside the community of believers. If we believe that in Orthodoxy we have the fullness of the Truth, then we have the great responsibility – the Great Commission – to share it with all people. All aspects of the parish may be seen as apostolic, and the Orthodox faithful are called to incorporate Christian mission in all aspects of life. When Christ said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” he commissioned us to transform the parish into an agency of Christian outreach.

The American culture offers us great opportunities to conduct successful parish renewal, outreach and evangelism. It is time for a new beginning and a renewed effort to inspire creativity and revival in Orthodox Christianity in the United States. It is our duty and obligation not to hide our light under the bushel, but to let it shine before all people – to regain the missionary model that established the early Church. We must let our light so shine – because unless people see in us the light and the love of Christ, they will not believe.


Althaia Vitikos at: althaia@verizon.net