Participants Instructions

Metropolis of Atlanta

St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival

Sarasota, Florida



1. You must be of the Greek Orthodox Faith. To participate in the Junior Division you must be in grades 7–9. To participate in the Senior Division you must be in grades 10–12. Your topic must be selected from the list of topics in the corresponding division.
2. The speech must be original and delivered in English. Previously used material is not eligible. Quotations must be used effectively as supportive material, and sources must be identified.
3. No audio-visual material (slides, charts, etc.) may be used. The speech must be delivered from the lectern. The contents and/or delivery of the speech should not be dramatically presented.
4. A parent or teacher may serve as a “coach” in preparation and delivery, but the speech must reflect your own writing and speaking style.
5. A speaker can present his/her speech at only one parish oratorical festival.
6. Topics must be chosen from the official list compiled by the Department of Religious Education. The speech delivered at the parish level must be the same one given at the district, metropolis and archdiocese levels with only minor revisions (i.e., grammatical corrections, deleting a paragraph if speech is over time limit, correcting syntax).
7. Speech time limits for each division are:
JUNIOR- minimum 3 minutes, maximum 4
SENIOR – minimum 4 minutes, maximum 5
A 15-second grace period will be given to speakers whose talks run over or under time. Speeches that run over or under the 15-second grace period will lose 1 point for each additional five seconds.
8. A copy of the speech must be given to the chairperson before or during the orientation session. Your name, full address, phone number, email, and division (junior or senior) should appear in the upper right–hand corner, along with the name and location of your church. Place the title of your speech (taken from the official list of topics) right above the opening statement. Speakers who advance to the district, metropolis and archdiocese festivals must also present a copy to the chairperson at these events.
9. Speakers should dress in clothing that is professional and appropriate for Sunday church services.